Meridian Lions Rodeo 2022
2 years ago
"Although the Lord stands before us offering the help we need, there is a condition we must meet in order to see and receive of His atonement offering..." pg. 58
"Christ, having taken upon himself the sins of those who have wronged us, Christ now comes to us and asks us to forgive Him the trespass..." pg. 63
So cute! Gina,
I hope you know how special and loved you are. Whatever may be going on right now, I hope you know that I care and love you. I will always be here for you no matter what. You are such a blessing in my life and those around you. May you always remember that and know how blessed you are, even when you may feel troubled and lost. Thank you for being my friend, I know it hasn't been very easy and I haven't been that great of a friend lately. Please forgive me. Love you.
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