After long thought and much encouragement from my dear friends, I have decided to join the doTERRA slim&sassy competition! I have not relished in sharing such personal information with others or putting myself totally out there for everyone to see. However, since January 1st when I started using grapefruit and lemon only in my water, I have felt so good and have loved using the oils. On monday when I got my slim & sassy oils in my order, I opened them and have been using my slim & sassy since then! I love it! I feel great! I am not fighting any cravings! I have so much energy and have the desire to get up and keep moving! Before I started using slim & sassy, I would be so tired and drained by noon each day and want to just sit down and take a nap. I don't have that problem anymore with the lack of energy. I can get through my day and actually get so much more done than I have in a long long time.
Since January 1st, I have lost 6 pounds and 1.5 inches in my hips! I have not even begun to exercise, only eating better. I have not had to cut my calories to the starvation levels, only listening more to my body and what it needs. I have desires to eat healthy foods, not sugary or comfort foods.
This competition that I'm doing is about weightloss, lifestyle change, uncovering the real me that has been hiding behind this padded prison cell for more than 17 years. I have set some goals for myself! One goal is that I will be able to ride all of the roller coasters with my kids at Lagoon, without having to suck it in or squeeze or even leave the line because I can't fit in the car :( Another goal is to be able to fly and not have to use a belt extender! I want to fly to share my amazing doTerra experiences with others, therefore I need to be able to buckle with just one belt, no extender :) I also want to drop at least 3 pant sizes :) I want to continue the weight loss so that I am down at least 5 pant sizes by the time my 20th class reunion comes up in July :)
I know that I can accomplish my goals! I have been so blessed to have such wonderful, amazing support from friends and family! I have loved the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical healing and health that the doTERRA oils have brought me so far in my journey.