Friday, August 21, 2009


This week has been super crazy. I wanted to update all as to how we are and where we are. I will post more later, but just a quick update.

We packed the truck Monday and emptied the house in Hermiston. Tuesday we cleaned the house and moved down to Idaho, not knowing where we would be living. We had no house we put our faith in the Lord and hit the road for Idaho.

When we got to Idaho, we had two houses to look at. The first in Fruitland, the second in Emmett. When we went through the house in Fruitland first then the one in Emmett. The house in Fruitland didn't feel right, and the one in Emmett.... WOW!!!

We walked in the front door and felt as though we had finally made it home. I was so at peace with being in the house. Then we went to the realtor and signed rental agreement papers. Diane Brissette, a friend from Emmett called for help unloading and we had about 5 men to help unload the truck within an hour. Amazing help and support, we havent felt that in so long.

Then last night we finally got internet capabilities again and I logged onto facebook and had several messages. One caught my eye, which was from my brother... I had been searching for my Father for 16 yrs and his son contacted me. IT WAS finally have that piece of the puzzle coming together. WOW!!1 I'm still speechless, but loving the fact that I have contact with my brother now. I can't wait to get to know him more and meet my sister as well.

Ok, this isn't short but it is brief...there is so much more that has gone on this week. I promise I will post more about it as well as some pictures. My house needs some loving now though lol....



So exciting....some day you'll have to tell me the story of your brother. So are you all packed up yet?! What more needs to be done? I like Emmett - it sounds perfect. Where would the kids go to school?

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