Sunday, March 13, 2011


Sometimes in life, the Lord gives us opportunities to take a long hard look into ourselves... To reflect on our path and where it is going. Sometimes, things happen in our lives that allow us to suffer and to feel such deep sorrow and pain.... uncertainty is horribly painful.

However, uncertanty requires huge amounts of faith to face it.... look right into the face of adversity and uncertanty and allow the Lord to work our spirits. To bend our will to His. When the Lord is in charge all will be okay. There may be many times of sorrow and sadness, there may be much pain and heartache, but during those times, we can find peace in the Savior and take comfort in the atonement.

I've learned in the past few years of my life that if I pray for a certain thing, it may not be the Lord's will to receive that blessing. He may have something else in mind to bless me with. Therefore, changing my prayers, asking the Lord to bless me with what He wants to bless me with. In the face of adversity I'm comforted by the knowledge that I am letting my will bend to the Father's will for me and become what He wants me to become.

I know this leaves lots of questions, but the main lesson here is having faith in the face of adversity and refocusing on those things which the Lord wants us to focus on. We've got to humble ourselves in order that we can be led by the spirit. I've learned that it takes great faith sometimes to pray that the Lord will bless me with what he wants to bless me and letting Him be in control.... let go and let God.... that's the key.... however, when I do let the Lord be in control, I can take comfort that it is His will that is being done and not mine :) Therefore, my life won't be messed up because of some silly human mistake that I make :)


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