The other day I was invited by a friend to attend a class. I had been asking about some essential oils that may be able to help Brandon with his blood condition. She was in the area and doing a class on tuesday evening, therefore invited me to attend and learn more about these oils.
The class was wonderful! I learned a lot about these essential oils and the benefits and blessings of these particular oils. doTerra is the name of the company that manufactures these oils...they are harvested from their native origin (lemon in italy, lavendar in france). By harvesting in the native home, you receive the most pure oil that our bodies naturally know how to communicate with. Heavenly Father has blessed this earth with all that we need for our lives and health!
I signed up to try these oils and talked to a few of the ladies at the class. We decided that we needed to try a few different oils on Brandon to see how his body takes to them and how they help him. I bought grapefruit, zendocrine, and recieved a starter kit of lavendar, lemon and peppermint oils. Each of these oils does different things for our body's benefit and health.
Grapefruit helps with cancer, depression, liver disorders, migraines, stress, lymphatic system, and many other things.
Lemon helps with food poisoning, blood pressure, liver problems, arthritis, muscle aches and cleanses the air, disinfects, helps with colds, fever, infections, white blood cell formation, and many many more things.
Zendocrine helps with organ cleansing, healthy tissue function...this is a combination of clove, grapefruit, rosemary, and geranium
These three are the oils that I've been using for Brandon since tuesday when I got them. I use two drops of each on each foot and massage them onto his feet. I have also put 1-2 drops of lemon in a glass of water for him to drink.
So far, after massaging the oils onto Brandon's feet for 4 days, I have noticed that a rash that he had around his waist and arms is beginning to fade. The rash is almost gone from his waist, and is fading from his arms. His mood level is more positive and he seems to feel overall better :)
I want to document his progress and continue to do more documenting as I obtain more oils for my family and test them out. I am so grateful for the blessing of friends who are inspired and guided to help my family. I pray that I may be able to help others as these friends have done for me. If you are interested in checking out my website, I have made one and will post a link on the blog so you can check it out as often as you would like :)
I look forward to learning more about doTerra essential oils and how I can help my family and friends improve the quality of our lives!