Sunday, August 15, 2010


Last weekend we went searching for a new k-9 companion!!! Brandon and I went to the humane society in Boise and saw the dogs there, but no dog seemed to fit what we were looking for. None of them spoke to us saying "Take me home, I'm yours".

Saturday, Tim and I took the boys to Fruitland to the 2nd chance shelter there to see dogs. First, we just took Kyler in with us to see the dogs. We knew that if the dog responded well to Kyler then it would be good. We had looked on their website and saw a few dogs that we wanted to see. When we went in to see the dogs, we saw this white curly hair dog. She was just sitting there looking at us. We went to pet her and she was so happy. There was two dogs specifically there that we went to see, we did find the one Tilly...she was a very energetic friendly little thing. For a while, we went back an forth between this white curly dog and Tilly. We brought the rest of the boys in and showed them the two dogs and had them choose which one they want. They all chose Tilly.

Just as we were ready to decide, I felt I needed one last sure test. I went to Tilly and opened her door and attempted to pick her up...she went to the back of her kennel and was scared...she didn't want picked up. Then I went to the other white curly haired dog. I opened the door and she jumped into my arms and hid her head in my arms. Our decision had been made by one leap of love from our little Chloe. Her name was Pearl, but that's an old name so I wanted a new one. Princess Chloe fits perfectly into our family.

When we put Chloe into the van to come home with us, her tail was wagging and she was so happy. We took her to Frates's to show her to them. Chloe was so happy and just stuck right by us and watched everywhere we went.
Chloe is house trained and trained very well in some other areas. She's taken to her new name quite well and loves all of us so very much. She's very much part of the family and loves to go to the boy's football practices to sit and watch them play.

Things I'm grateful for:

Being able to give a dog a new home

The sweet companionship and friendship of a k9 friend

Wagging tails and knowing Chloe is happy


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